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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Top 7 Tips to Get Rid of Pimples (Acne)

tips on how to get rid of pimples (acne)
Say goodbye to your buttons!
Not easy every day to be a woman! We do our utmost to maintain our skin, but although we make there are always pimples that bother us and this may be due to several factors. Aggressive treatments, changes in seasons, hormones, stress, your diet ... But here are some natural tips that will help you to make your acne disappear.

1. Apply tomato

woman apply tomato to get rid of acne
If you are experiencing a sudden acne breakdown due to high stress or a change in diet, apply some twenty minutes of thin slices of tomato on the face before washing it with soap over-fat to avoid l Drying your skin for about 8 days. Indeed this vegetable which contains vitamins A and C is a benefit for the epidermis in many circumstances thanks to these anti-infectious, healing and cleansing properties

2. Toothpaste

woman apply toothpaste to get rid of acne
The cold sore appears spontaneously and it is the obsession of everyone because very contagious avoid hugs with your loved ones and apply toothpaste on this ugly intruder in the corner of your mouth 3 to 4 times a day, it will have d Dry the button like baking soda.

3. White vinegar

 woman apply vinegar to get rid of pimples (acne)
White vinegar also remains a good way to quickly disappear the buttons soak a cotton stem in white vinegar and apply locally on the buttons they will eventually dried out and will disappear on their own other natural products are also very good against the pimples Such as tea tree essential oil or lemon juice

4. The alum stone

 picture of a woman apply alun stone to get rid of pimples (acne)
The post waxing buttons are also the wound of these ladies as well as some gentlemen the alum stone is a very good remedy against the redness and pimples following shaving or depilation, you will found it very easily in pharmacy and it Is very simple to use it is enough to wet it and to rub it on the affected parts. This stone which is a mixture of potassium sulphate and aluminum is also very effective against cold sores and avoids ingrown hairs

5. Grandma's Mask

grandma's mask to get rid of pimples (acne)
Mix two tablespoons of clay, juice of half a lemon, two drops of peppermint essential oil, 1 drop of tea tree essential oil. The preparation is masked on the zone T, that is to say the forehead, the nose and the chin, the parts most prone to the pimples. Avoid the eye contour. Allow to act for 10 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.

6. Lemon

 woman apply lemon to get rid of acne
Lemon is also very effective in fighting unsightly buttons but be sure before applying it to not have a very sensitive skin. You have to cut the lemon in two and apply the fruit flesh on your buttons several times a day and gradually the button will fade.

7. Beer Yeast

If you are prone to many pimples, you can use beer yeast capsules that will help you to make your acne disappear as a complement to a routine facial.
See Also:

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