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Monday, May 29, 2017

List of the top 10 universities in the world in 2017

List of the top 10 universities in the world in 2017
In this top 10, seven universities are American.
As every year, the Times Higher Education has published its ranking of the best universities in the world. This year, the first place went to the British University of Oxford, which occupied second place last year.

Overall, there are no major changes in this top 10. With the exception of one Swiss university, all institutions are Anglo-Saxon: seven American universities and three British universities. This top 10 counts 11 universities because the tenth place is occupied by two institutions, ex aequo.

1. The University of Oxford
2. The California Institute of Technology

3. Stanford University
4. The University of Cambridge
5. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
6. Harvard University
7. Princeton University

8. Imperial College London
9. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
10. The University of Berkeley and the University of Chicago

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