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Saturday, May 27, 2017

Top 10 most powerful secret services in the world

Top 10 most powerful secret services in the world Already, if they were so secret, we would not know their name. And in a single sentence, I just destroyed the credibility of all the spies in the world. At the moment, I'm hiding in a bunker with a 56k modem, I hope to have the time to send you this top that should bring down heads. Come on, here is the ranking of the most powerful of these big buffoons not secrets at all.

1. The ISI

ISI The specialty of the Pakistani secret service is to shit India. Considered the best in the world, they put all their qualities at the service of this cause, namely to finance separatist groups in India, to make anti-Indian propaganda, and they are even very suspicious of being behind attacks in their home Neighbour. They are also accused of playing a double game at the level of Islamic terrorism. We remember that it was at home that they found Oussama, and that he was not too bored on a daily basis, before Americans squat his apartment and stick a bomb.

2. The CIA

In 1947, at the very beginning of the Cold War, Americans felt that they might need some spies, just in case. And the CIA is going to be a great actor of the period, just like its buddy the KGB, who rests today in peace. RIP. I would probably not surprise you if I tell you that among their many qualities are mass surveillance, antiterrorism and some small political actions abroad, especially in South America, for the good of Uncle Sam "The CIA has grown tremendously after September 11 and I hope I did not tell too much about them because they are most likely reading to me.

3. The MI6

The English also know about spying. It is enough to see the most famous secret agent of the world, and this sentence is rather paradoxical, to be convinced. The MI6 is the ultimate boss in anti-terrorism, although the recent past shows that they are sadly not infallible. Fun Fact: There is a really guy called Q and who makes gadgets. On the other hand, they are often accused of being completely in the pay of the CIA. Info or intox, what is certain is that no one has saved the world any more than James Bond.

4. The FSB

Probably the most fantasized, the FSB is the legitimate son of the famous KGB, from which our little darling Vlad originates. For them, the official priority is anti-terrorism, knowing that to obtain the terrorist label it is often enough to disagree with the aforementioned Vlad. Besides that, even if they are less expanding on the subject, they like to know what is happening in the surrounding countries, and a little control over all that. In truth, you are a country ex-USSR, you are not serene, at any time you stick uranium in your burger if you do not agree. American experts believe that the importance of Russian espionage today has returned to the level of that of the cold USSR solid war. Good atmosphere.

5. The BND

Since 1956, well before the reunification, the Germans have also equipped themselves with intelligence services which are worth their weight of peanuts. And the Germans, the nuclear bombs, all that, they do not like, so they do not. But suddenly they make a bit of the bad players, they say if that's how it is, nobody has the right to have it, and their agents try to limit the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Beside that, they give a bit of anti-terrorism and the fight against industrial espionage.

6. The Raw

You put a mirror on the border between India and Pakistan and it gives you the Indian secret services. Created in 1968, the RAW is mainly used to shit Pakistanis: suspicions of attacks, financing of separatist groups that are favorable to them, propaganda, ... Pay your originality, buy you a personality. But to return to Caesar what is Caesar, they also carry out actions everywhere in Southeast Asia, to see what the bayes are.

7. The ASIS

One might think that the biggest problems of the Australians are their lovely pets straight out of hell, as we speak relatively little of them when it comes to international tensions. But then, I guess they have to infiltrate dual agents in the midst of giant spider colonies to learn more about them. Otherwise, their thing is to strengthen their power with other countries, much like the Russians, except that we do not distrust the Australians. It makes them even more dangerous.

8. The MSS

Directorate of China for the MSS. And they, their little sin cute, is industrial espionage (cuckoo the Germans). I'd like to get out of the stereotypes, but that's how I do not invent anything. Soon, we will discover that the DGSE also bakes half-time bakery. Afterwards, they are multi-tasking, and they know everything about propaganda. Apparently they are very numerous, and almost all their diplomats and small mannos who move here and there touch national or international spies, sometimes even without knowing it. In recent years, they have also built a small numerical army to be able to make panic as many viral bases VPS that would not have been updated.

9. The DGSE

And yeah my guy, in France too they weigh. And when their spies have finished cooking their bread, they take a little time to copy the English and the Americans, that is to do mass surveillance, anti-terrorism, and series of very good bill.

10. The mossad

The mossad was created in 1951, shortly after the founding of Israel, which had realized at the party of the neighbors that the atmosphere was tense in the corner. And clearly, do not fuck with Israel: specializing in kidnappings and very violent actions against their enemies, they have in particular kidnapped Eichmann in 1960, who had hidden in Argentina, to be able to judge him at home, at home. And since the man had few extenuating circumstances, Israel allowed his children to receive life insurance in 1962. In 1972 they also settle the account of the Palestinian group which had executed 11 of its athletes at the Munich Olympics. And finally in 2009, they teamed up with the best French agent, codename Noël Flantier, to arrest Professor Von Zimmel in Brazil.

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