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Monday, June 5, 2017

Top 7 tips to know if a girl is in love with you?

Top 7 tips to know if a girl is in love with you?

How do I know if she is in love with me? Regardless of your status, we have always asked ourselves this great question. However, it is not given to everybody to detect the whims of a woman in love. However, there are some clichés that let you glimpse very easily when a woman has fallen in love with you. I will share with you my observation of the behavior of most Haitian girls when they are stung by the thirst for love.

1- Love begins with hate

Undoubtedly, it might well lead you to discouragement. But always remember this saying: '' There is no rose without thorns ''.

When a woman is in love, she will do anything to attract your attention, to seduce you, even the impossible. Thus there is a certain woman who, at the beginning of a relationship with man, manifests a feeling of hatred towards their beloved future. Yet from the depths of their heart, there is preferably a flame of love that burns intensely. So gentlemen, beware of this deceptive behavior of these girls so as not to lose a big golden opportunity.

2- Compliments constantly

You know the woman is very hard to pin down. A loving woman will not really know how to hide her love. But it is up to us to capture the love waves that it sends us every second. Persistent praise from a girl should no longer leave us indifferent. For it is still a palpable sign of the attitude of a certain woman who has either a love relationship with a man.

3- She keeps talking about you with her friends

It's really a pleasure for her to talk to you at all times about her friends. You occupy your mind entirely. She will not spend a day without mentioning your name in her conversations. She always wants to materialize your presence in her life, she experiences an exceptional joy in extolling all the good qualities she discovers in you.

4- A percussive look that means everything

Someone once told me that I should learn to read the signs of the time. Well I tell you that we must learn to analyze the slightest gestures coming from a woman. Indeed, it is not our habit, we Haitians to look someone straight in the eye. Yet it is enough to have a simple glance to hear the cry of the heart of a young lover. For Paul Claudel said to us: "There are eyes that receive light and there are eyes that give it." We must always be ready to capture the message that she wants to send us. Since, when she is truly in love with you, she does not let you down with her eyes.

5- It will do everything to be attractive

She suddenly becomes more concerned about her body, her clothes and her hairstyle. It is surprising to spend more time in front of a mirror than before. She knows almost by heart all the names of the best perfumes in the world. All this is just to be attractive to your eyes and especially to be coquettish.

6- She clings to you enormously

Once she has madly fallen in love with you, she lives only by your presence. She can no longer control herself, she wants to talk to you constantly, hold you in her arms and make you full of cuddles. She only thinks of you, she only dreams that you, she has only one idea in mind is to spend time with you. As someone who is possessed by a demon, your mind fully occupies his mind. With you, she feels really happy.

7- Jealousy! Yes scenes of jealousy

Women are extremely jealous, even if you are not yet her boyfriend, in an indirect way they express their jealousy. It is not uncommon for a woman who is in love with you to feel really uncomfortable when you speak well of another girl. She already sees in her a potential rival, she can do anything to stop you from meeting this girl.

If it is true that we must be a good seducer to meet your other half, we must have this lucidity of mind to learn to capture these waves that emanate directly from the heart of a woman in love.

Now I hope you are well armed not to let the love of your life slip through your fingers. In case you have any doubts about Haitian women, here are a top ten good reasons to marry Haitians.

If You Have any question please feel free to live it in comment space down

As a bonus, I leave you with this video How to Know If a Girl Likes You
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