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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Top 10: the best high tech smartphones On 2017

Top 10: the best high tech smartphones On 2017

Whether they are ultracompact or in philette format, high-end smartphones benefit from the latest technologies and offer the best performance. Here are the top 10 models this month, according to our tests of handling and the technical measurements of the Topimo laboratory

It took only a few days for Samsung to resume, thanks to its Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus, the top two places of this top. The manufacturer had indeed ejected momentarily by its Korean cousin LG and its new flounder the G6. Samsung also keeps in good stead the excellent Galaxy S7, followed by little of the S7 Edge, released last year. With four models present in the Huawei race is doing very well. Apple only holds by the iPhone 7 Plus ranked in 10th position.

First and foremost, autonomy is rewarded by our analysis model: a good smartphone must be able to be used without having to recharge it before the end of the day or even the next day. It is this precise point that hurts the iPhone, ranked at the bottom of the table despite its very good overall performance.

Why buy a high-end smartphone?

We find on the market of smartphones low cost, less than 200 $, with performance constantly improved and compatible 4G. Why then pay triple or even more for high-end? Simply because the flagship models are distinguished both by a sophisticated design, often ultra-thin with larger screens and better quality, but also by a true versatility. Very powerful, they excel especially in 3D game, in photo and in video.

State-of-the-art equipment, latest technology

The high-end smartphones benefit from the latest technological advances and a recent version of the system that animates them, even the latest, whether Android or iOS. Their batteries are generally of high capacity giving the mobile endurance beyond the day. The processors chosen by the manufacturers are among the most recent and, in photo, the number of megapixels often flies while the new functions bloom. The vast majority of the models of our selection film, for example, in "4K" (3840 x 2160 pixels).
Here are the top 10 top-of-the-range smartphones tested by the Topimo lab until May 1, 2017.

10. ex aequo Apple iPhone 7 Plus

ex aequo Apple iPhone 7 Plus

Ex aequo with the iPhone 6s Plus, this new large format iPhone does not manage to impose itself because of its lesser performances, during our test of autonomy on call. Despite this, its new features (brighter screen, audio Lightning, touch-sensitive button, more powerful processor and dual photo sensor) bring some notable improvements. Provided obviously that you want to put the price.
Overall rating: 8,48 / 10 | Price: from 1,015 $ |
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9. Honor 8 Pro

honor 8 pro picture
With this model, Honor, brand of Huawei, launches into the high-end successfully. With its large screen of very high definition and its powerful processor, the 8 Pro clearly targets gamers! Nearly as good as the P10 Plus and much cheaper.

Overall rating: 8,58 / 10 | Price from 580$ |

8. Huawei Mate 9

huawei mate 9 picture
Mate 9 is a smartphone of choice for those who appreciate large screens. The Mate 9 is a powerful smartphone for all users, with a beautiful screen and good photo quality (especially in monochrome). We would have liked, however, that Huawei muscle a little more the endurance of its philette (excellent) so that it really rises to the height of the smartphones high-end Samsung.
Overall rating: 8,80 / 10 | Manufacturer price: 750$

7. Huawei P10 

 huawei p10
With this new smartphone, Huawei really goes to serious things. He was the first model of the brand to enter the top 3 of this ranking, before being ousted by newcomers including his big brother the P10 Plus. The device seduces thanks to its design and monochrome sensor always as effective and original. The only thing left for him to do is to switch to Amoled technology for his screen and to further improve his color photo quality so that one day he can dethrone Samsung.

Overall rating: 8.86 / 10 | Price: 640 $ |

6. Huawei P10 Plus

huawei p10 plus
The P10 Plus capitalizes on the strengths of its little brother thanks to its good power (Kirin 960), its superb IPS high definition screen that rivals the best Amoled and breathtaking black and white photos. As a bonus, it has excellent finishes. A real top-of-the-range, which would have deserved a screen with borders a little less wide.

Overall rating: 9,02 / 10 | Price: 837 $ |

5. Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

samsung galaxy s7 edge picture
Ultra stand-alone, powerful, beautiful and excellent photo, the Galaxy S7 Edge has it all. Samsung even corrected the grip a bit too sharp his predecessor. It remains that apart from the aesthetic interest of the curved edges, one wonders again what they serve in everyday life.

Overall rating: 9,12 / 10 | Price: 840 $ (Search for a better price)

4. Samsung Galaxy S7

samsung galaxy s7 picture
The Galaxy S6 is the first to be replaced by the new LG G6. This major update of the Galaxy S6 corrects its main defects - the microSD card is coming back - and improves certain points like ergonomics, power and above all autonomy.

Overall rating: 9,33 / 10 | Price: 730 $ (Search for a better price)

3. LG G6

 LG G6 Picture
LG makes it very strong with its new G6 delighting - finally! - the first class of this ranking to Samsung. It achieves it thanks to its beautiful screen, but also its photo skills, quite bluffing. We appreciate the presence of the second sensor with wide angle lens and especially the quality of its shots in low light.

Overall rating: 9,35 / 10 | Price: 837 $ |

2. Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus

 samsung galaxy s8 plus picture
For one hundred dolars more, Samsung offers a large format version of its Galaxy S8. We find on this model "Plus" all the assets of his little brother, with an autonomy that is even increased. And above all, one remains subjugated by its large and beautiful screen of 6.2 inches.

Overall rating: 9,68 / 10 | Price: 1000 $ |

1. Samsung Galaxy S8

samsung galaxy s8 picture
The new flagship of Samsung is a success both in terms of design and performance. We love his superb screen without borders, his photographic abilities, his power and his remarkable endurance. Hence a high price.

Overall rating: 9,69 / 10 | Price: 900 $ | (Search for a better price)

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