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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Top 7 Tips on How to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

Top 7 Tips on How to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

How to live a love story from a distance

Not always easy to live a love that is more than a hundred kilometers. Between the doubts, the interrogations, the lack, one thinks that at the end, it is a lost punishment. But on the contrary, there are many beautiful love stories that began with couriers, calls and SMS. You just have to apply certain rules, so that your love story works.

1. Communication

woman chat with a man
Communication is even more important in a distance relationship. Talk about what you've done with your day, talking about everything and nothing at a time. Simply make it as if you were in front of each other. Conversations do not necessarily need to last for hours, a small message is enough just to say that you think of each other.

2 - Having attentions

It is not because you are far from the other that you can not have tender gestures with your companion. You can send him a message where you tell him your flame at night so that in the morning he can read it and direct his day. You can also surprise him by giving him a small gift.

3 - Having confidence

The basis of a relationship for which works is based on trust. If you are biting your mind to ask yourself with who it is? Is he really with these buddies? Your relationship will definitely fail, on the one hand because you are going to have a bad being and anxious all the time and the other because you will probably drunk sir with all these issues that will reflect a lack of confidence in him.

4 - Supporting oneself

Be there for each other in bad and good times. Your partner should not face bad passes alone, as he might realize that he can get there without you. Support you by bringing your help remotely by beautiful sentence comforting and if it is not enough you can take your car and go to join it if it needs your physical presence.

5 - Talk

painter of a girl talking to a boy
Enjoy being away to get to know you. The distance has also good you will be less try to knock and you will thus be able to know more about each other. Ask yourself about who was the other before, about his family, his desires, about what he thinks about a subject. You can do this as a game, to avoid that he feels in a examination.

6. Do not imagine Prince Charming

When someone does not see much of the person with whom he is, so he tends to idealize it, to imagine it like this or as-ca. But this is the thing that you should not do because you will soon be disappointed. Be objective.

7. see each other regularly

The maize in a distance relationship is to make it as little as possible "at a distance". To do this, you must see your darling as often as possible and that, as your availability and finances allow. A love story, where you are enjoying your well-being. Love to exist, need to touch.

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