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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Top 20 best sites and applications to learn English (free)

best site to learn english

So you want to learn English?

Well, talking to real people is the best way to practice English, but for many reasons that’s not always possible.

Online websites and mobile apps, however, are much more available (easy to find and use).

There are also many, many, many English learning websites that help adults learn English—but the best ones are the interactive sites.

Why? Because interactive websites will help you practice all of your skills.

Instead of only learning new vocabulary or new grammar, you can also practice listening, reading, writing and yes—even speaking!

These websites (and mobile apps) have activities where you use more than one skill: listen and respond, read and then write—just like real life.
So where do you start? With this list:


1. Poisson Rouge

We do not say enough: a language can be learned when one is young. Do not hesitate any more, just move the cursor over the images to reveal the English word that corresponds to it.


2. engVid

This site is one of the best listed on the web. Eight professors publish interactive multimedia content via a youtube channel, on which you can easily navigate by theme and deepen your linguistic knowledge.

3. english central

On this site, the pronunciation is in the honor! No more criticism of the Frenchie accent: a good oral exercise with a personal feedback. What's more, the video content, which is rather humorous and advertising, includes subtitles that must be completed. Go!

4. Ello

With more than 100 video sorted by categories, it will be easy to work by country and level. Very adaptable and adaptable in sum!


5. LANG8

Based on writing, this site is a real collaborative work. Learn with local native speakers that correct you, and that you can help in return to discover our beautiful language. Fast progress guaranteed if you are assiduous daily!


The official website of the BBC, which offers you a regular learning that sticks to the news (news). Kill two birds with one stone !

7. Busuu

This site is recognized in the middle of the net and smartphone applications. The guardian advises him in particular. Let's go! (Let's go !)

8. Sharedtalk

"Practice practicing, there is nothing but real!" This internet platform has the solution to your problem, it offers you an interactive chat with native: culturalo-linguistic exchange exciting!


9. Tatoeba

A gigantic database, this site is more than just a literal translator: it knows many expressions specific to our friends from across the Channel, and it will therefore be of great use to put the finger on the Shakespearean substance .


Because the French are known to have one of the worst accent of the globe: it is time to remedy it. Several sites propose to improve your "flow". Small tour

10. Rachel's English

For the American accent

11. Teacher Melanie

Useful videos, American accent also.

12. Eva Easton

With this site no worries, Eva speaks very, very, very slowly. American Accent

13. The Phone Voice"

A very good site to learn how to handle this "British" accent so appreciated this side of the sleeve.


14. Avec des Podcasts

Learn English by listening to your audio player podcasts downloaded from the site, very convenient and a little different!

15. Avec des Pop-up

Download this little pop-up which will ask you a question of learning every x minutes (it's up to you to set the time). For heads in the air!


Many smartphone applications now offer training in English: vocabulary, grammar, expressions, everything is there. Language at your fingertips!

16. Je m'amuse en anglais

Through stories dictated in French, interspersed with English translations, your children will have the opportunity to play, color, and by the same to learn the words of everyday vocabulary. Entertainment guaranteed!
17. Duolingo
An application for the bigger ones. Advised by The Wall Street Journal in person (self), it is based on the translation exercise. Attention: if you are good, you will contribute to the translation of sites or web pages. Smart, is not it? (Intelligent, is not it?)
18. Busuu
An Application centered on expanding your vocabulary. Test the latter through various games. With the added pronunciation for those for whom the sounds of Molière are difficult to leave for those of Shakespeare.
19. Babbel
Play, understand, speak, write. In short, an application "does everything" very cool (friendly) to learn English!
20. (Bonus) Reverso
Probably the instant translation site most used by students. Nevertheless, we can never repeat it enough: learning a language is empirical, intuitive and an Internet translator can never replace a good dictionary and a prolonged immersion in an English-speaking country. Good luck!

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