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Friday, June 2, 2017

Review VF - All the Art of Wonder Woman

With the film approaching with great pace, Urban tackles the heavy task of presenting us the ambassador of Themyscira, and what better than a beautiful work to discover or rediscover in another day the character?

Covering a fairly long period ranging from the creation of the character by Marston in 1941 to the New 52, ​​the biography of the amazon here presented has the merit of being very complete. The book is divided into several parts whose diverse themes - the Amazons, the opponents, the lovers etc - form in the end an imposing file, and probably the best on the issue for many years. Many anecdotes are compiled here, which will speak to the new explorers of the universe of Themyscira but which will prove equally interesting for the connoisseurs who have been able to pass beside certain stories which, failing to be incredibly well written Reveal disorienting and out of place #WondyMotherNoel. During the reading interweave explanatory texts but also different plates in connection with the subject in question allowing to satisfy the fans of comics beginning to feel the syndromes of a weaning by having to read texts not enclosed in bubbles .
Review VF - All the Art of Wonder Woman
Now, however, there are some problems in this edition, not in the information content which is more than complete and satisfactory, but rather in form. First, apart from the biographies of the authors, who will rarely be a chouia of details for a fan of the character, the reading is transformed at times into a succession of showcases consisting of a purely textual description of existing comics and to which the tome returns more East. Be careful, not that it is not interesting, but after a certain number of pages read, arrived at half of the book, it can emerge at all a certain weariness. Moreover, it would have been preferable at the time to fall less into the anecdotal in order to develop a more in-depth reflection on the character and his relation to the world. As a result, the chapters on fashion and diplomacy turn out to be a real pleasure to devour, reviving the interest of the reader towards the end of the book. Secondly, the jumps in time between the different boards, appearing too sporadically, tends to be destabilizing in addition to losing the reader somewhat. Indeed, at many moments, several plates of the same number follow one another, making the reader assume that the sequence is consequently present when it is not.
Interesting, complete and speaking both to novices and connoisseurs, this book is a quality work. Nevertheless, the latter sometimes tries to get bogged down in relatively sympathetic stories, but anecdotal. This kind of narration that some hardcore fans will quote you right in a conversation in the following way ...

"No, you can not say that, because in the number 17 of 1953 on page 12 exactly, Wonder Woman ..."

... but that will pass over some. Thus, a slight weariness can be felt in mid-volume, nevertheless quickly caught up by a last part proposing a real reflection on the place of the Amazon and its evolution with regard to History with a big H but also with regard Of our present world.

Read comics, read Wonder Woman, and next time !!!

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